Pattern development serendipity


Occasionally, when I am working on a new design, the pattern will create itself. It seems the universe takes over and moves things in a way I was not initially going. I adore these moments of spontaneity.

You’re saying “What now?” LoL.

Pattern design is mathematical and technical. The fine-tuning, the precision, it’s a facet I revel in. Yet, there is also the disorder of watercolor art that embodies freedom and tranquility. Blooms of watercolor create rhythmic patterns; color ebbs and flows melding into unexpected shapes and combinations. These moments of spontaneity inject a vibrant energy into my work, reminding me that creativity thrives in the dance between structure and chaos. It's as if the pattern itself has a plan, guiding my hands to transcend the limits of my original vision. In these moments, I am a conduit, allowing the creativity to flow through me and into the world.

This design initially felt disjointed, with its towering, isolated, and jagged elements. My intention was to replicate a single motif, yet somehow, I ended up with an array of them. It all happened thanks to a sequence of keystrokes in Photoshop. Suddenly, the layers intertwined, yielding a remarkably organic, fluid, and emotive repeat pattern. While I refined it further, what captivates me most is its diagonal movement, evoking the essence of a sprawling field of blossoms.

From the vision…

to the study…

To the resolution.

Find this pattern in the offering by Natural Roots Fabric, Black-eyed Susans Pink This is a new resource for environmentally friendly fabrics. I’m delighted to be a part of their launch to give makers fabric choices that protect our environment and human health. Sweet!

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